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January 10, 2007


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Strangely enough my rather nice, but somewhat scruffy, husband gave me the same thing for my birthday. :-)

I suspect that I will not be allowed to provide any instructions "in the case of..." since my mother-in-law will be watching Allison. She knows better since she raised THREE kids. :-) And it might very well be -20 degrees there, too. I shudder to think what Allison will be eating for the 8 days she will be in Cleveland. Oh well, just a few more bad habits I'll have to take care of once I return.

I will be packing tomorrow for three people, since I do not trust said-husband to do that job. I shudder to think what he'd pack for Allison, not to mention himself. I suspect that one would find the following selection of Allison's clothing in the suitcase: 3 pairs of underpants, 9 shirts, 2 pairs of pants, 1 dress, 16 pairs of tights, 1 sock and 3 shoes.... I am hoping to do a better job for all of us. Then it will be the Lido Deck for us in 4 days. FOUR days? EEEK! :-)

Natalie -- who didn't buy 2 new dresses, but that was because I just bought a new one in the spring and wore it once.


I can go into the bathroom with you if it will help make you feel at home. :-)

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Chronic non-specific diarrhea in Toddlers

  • Pediatrics in Review
    If you have access to medical papers, this is the one you have to read. This is the one that made me go "OH!". It's short and sweet, but protected.
  • Chronic nonspecific diarrhea
    This short piece contains some good suggestions about dietary management of chronic non-specific diarrhea.
  • Toddler's diarrhea
    Another short overview.
  • Toddler Diarrhea - Symptoms
    A good brief overview over what Toddler Diarrhea is and what not. A very good starting point.

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