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September 20, 2007


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Well. It seems that pediatricians would be familiar with this, but I'm just glad that this little saga had such an *uncomplicated* ending--celiac would make life so difficult. Three cheers for just growing out of it....

Congrats to Jacob (and you too, of course)!

Kari Figgins

Note to Jacob's parents,


My name is Kari and I found your site today from Santa Barbara, California. I am hoping you get this email. I have been pulling my hair out, over my son's chronic diarrhea/ mushy stools over the course of the last 9months. I too have wondered if we are going to have to make radical diet changes/life changes. I found the article you refenced but couldn't open it from the APA link, so I was so happy you inlcluded it in your site description. I would love to ask you some other questions...so if this note finds you (please God!) I would really, really appreciate your experience and insight.

Thank you,


Kristen Gilbert

I, too, am dealing with a toddler who has chronic diarrhea, and it has been awful. We were told by our pediatrician that his constant diarrhea/mushy stools were an after effect of a bad virus and the issue would correct itself. 7 months later, and we're still dealing with it. At my wits end this past weekend, I started doing some internet research with my mom, and we were so happy to find your blog. I read this on Saturday, and on Sunday we changed his diet. Immediately, his stools have firmed up, and his appetite has improved. I, like Kari (above), couldn't open the link to the article you referenced, so I am hopeful you will post some more about how your son is doing in response to the new diet, and would be open to answering some questions.
Thank you!

IBS survivor

Gluten allergies and celiac disease are terrible for the intestines and colon. I am so happy that you were able to identify the problem with your child.


I found your site after searching toddler's diarrhea. We just got back from a visit with a pediatric GI to learn more about my son's (age 3) history of loose stools. Diagnosis was toddler's diarrhea, although he's running a test for malabsorption. He's a picky eater and eats a high carb, high fiber, low fat diet, no milk. Any advice on how to change the diet, or any books/websites you used? Thanks for the info and for sharing your experiences.


Thank you for your information. I too am thrilled to find your blog. I've got a 39 month old that has had mushy poop for 6 weeks and he pediatrician has no answers. I am going to try the high fat, low carb diet. Can you give me suggestions of what you are feeding your children?

Dawn Hamilton

My son was dignosised with toddlers diarrhea as well. He has ALL of the exact same symptoms as Jacob (except the ulcers). I followed the directions of the doctor telling me to decrease juice. My son was almost 3 years old when we confirmed blood in his stool. Gastroenteroligist still said he had Toddler diarrhea but believed he may have an little polyp. He did Blood work/stool samples all we negative. He finally did a colonoscopy and endoscopy. My son has IBD which is Ulcertive colitis and Crohns disease. We have been to many doctors and second opinions. I am told this is an Autoimmune disease where the body fights and infection and just never stops fighting even though the infection is long gone. I am still not convinced this is what my son has. I just think after 3 years of diarrhea; of course his small intestine and colon would be inflamed. Just an FYI be careful accepting SIMPLE toddlers diarrhea (as the doctors put it) because in my opinion there is nothing SIMPLE about it. I would appreciated hearing from anyone who has a child suffering with this.

Charlotte Wall

Thank you so much for this posting. we have be dealing with TD for over a year. I would love to try a low Carb, high fat diet - but not sure where to start! Does anyone have any menu ideas?
Many thanks



Thank you so much for sharing your story. I have a 14-month old who has had on and off diarrhea for 4 months. The characteristics you describe are ones that I see in him. And, he suffered from real bad gastric reflux as an infant... I will use this reference when visiting the gastroenterologist!


i found this by searching for mushy poop in toddlers, and aside from the ulcers sounds similar to my sons problem. he is 2 1/2 and its seems he has never had a firm stool in his life. once and awhile. i will try the high fat low carb diet for him, and i hope it helps. potty training is so hard when the poo is mushy and wont come off his butt. and it stinks! thanks for posting and sharing your experience. it helps to hear others solutions. doctors dont know everything!

what types of foods are you giving him? just wondering where to start.


Hello Faye -- we are pretty much where we always were. Jacob still has mushy stools but we don't notice them so much as he's now completely potty trained and has been for a while (since Easter, actually).

We just let him at his own pace and we finally got him out of the diapers at 3.5 years. That's kind of late but he had to have the physical skills to run to the toilet and get his pants off.

He's doing fine and is a happy, healthy little boys. We don't give him anything special to eat at the moment and he doesn't seem to mind the loose stools much. I just couldn't cut out fruits completely and he's a sturdy little guy, so the high-fat diet lost its appeal for me after a while.

He has no accidents and being out of diapers means he doesn't get diaper rash anymore either. We're now waiting for the magical disappearance act that should happen between now and age 5-8. We shall see, eh?

The tongue ulcers seem completely unrelated, btw. Our family doctor told us that some kids just have this so-called "map tongue", and it's nothing that hurts or hinders him, and he'll just have to live with it.

I hope you and your son will be able to take this whole business in stride. There is little one can do -- but one CAN potty train and that's nice to know, no?

Sorry for the late reply - I didn't see this comment until just now.

Best wishes from us and don't hesitate to ask when you have more questions. (Also, see the sidebar for some informative links.)


omg ! i think u just saved me my boy is two and has all these symptons and iv been searching for ever for an answer with no help from my doctors they just continue to tell me im overreacting to nothing.... and every time i take him in his sores arnt there. i also just got the idea to take pictures . then i found similar pics on line of this geographic tongue and this is the only sores i have ever seen that match .... i pray this can be all it is. i really appericate ur puting this up and am hopeful we can finally get my son some help ! thank you :)

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Chronic non-specific diarrhea in Toddlers

  • Pediatrics in Review
    If you have access to medical papers, this is the one you have to read. This is the one that made me go "OH!". It's short and sweet, but protected.
  • Chronic nonspecific diarrhea
    This short piece contains some good suggestions about dietary management of chronic non-specific diarrhea.
  • Toddler's diarrhea
    Another short overview.
  • Toddler Diarrhea - Symptoms
    A good brief overview over what Toddler Diarrhea is and what not. A very good starting point.

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