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November 11, 2007


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1) I think it's a Droz _Beam_.

2) They're numbered because there are five Power Rangers that come together to form the Megazord.

Yeah, I know.

Love you too. Happy ten.



Just goes to show you that I haven't a clue--I was thinking it could be "Dr. Ozbeem"....

10 years??????? How in the h3ll did that happen so quickly?

Natalie--aka, the Baba

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Chronic non-specific diarrhea in Toddlers

  • Pediatrics in Review
    If you have access to medical papers, this is the one you have to read. This is the one that made me go "OH!". It's short and sweet, but protected.
  • Chronic nonspecific diarrhea
    This short piece contains some good suggestions about dietary management of chronic non-specific diarrhea.
  • Toddler's diarrhea
    Another short overview.
  • Toddler Diarrhea - Symptoms
    A good brief overview over what Toddler Diarrhea is and what not. A very good starting point.

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