... when you meet a guy on the Internet, exchange long emails about grammar, astronomy, and a thousand other topics, and then go off to meet said guy face-to-face on a very romantic island named Bali.
You might just end up ten years later, in a country far away from it all, with three little boys who are all obsessed with super heroes and related species (although I hold the opinion that the Power Rangers do not count as super heroes), and you know much more about the Justice League than you ever wanted to know, sitting in the office, writing your blog while your husband tells the boys their good-night story. Not in my wildest dreams had I imagine such a life for me. And you know, it's a pretty darn good life.
Happy 10th Anniversary, my love.
And do try to find out what a "drozbeem" is, and why exactly he numbered the parts of this.... thing, will you?
1) I think it's a Droz _Beam_.
2) They're numbered because there are five Power Rangers that come together to form the Megazord.
Yeah, I know.
Love you too. Happy ten.
Posted by: claudia | November 11, 2007 at 06:35 PM
Just goes to show you that I haven't a clue--I was thinking it could be "Dr. Ozbeem"....
10 years??????? How in the h3ll did that happen so quickly?
Natalie--aka, the Baba
Posted by: Natalie | November 13, 2007 at 07:27 PM