I guess you panic. And I'm not panicking. Which means the sky is not falling.
We've just lost a few leads on prospective and/or fairly certain short-term/long-term jobs. The fact that I'm not in panic illustrates the ultimate faith I have in my husband's abilities to find work, and his brilliance, and that someone will see this brilliance and offer him a wonderful job. Because that's exactly what will happen.
So, there, fate. Bite me.
(Doug will wince. He's part Irish, and Irish people are superstitious, even if they are not, if you understand what I mean.)
In other news, I finished another project. Going off on a not complete sequitur, here comes one advantage when your relatives don't read your blog: you're free to talk about them, and to show birthday presents in advance without a care that you might spoil a surprise.
So my niece is turning 7 in a week, and she'll be celebrating in Florida with her family and my in-laws. That's entirely wonderful and they will have a great time, I'm sure. We asked what we could give her as a present and the answer was uninspiring: Books.
Don't get me wrong, I love books. I buy a lot of books. I read a lot of books. But I don't see the little girl in question more than maybe once a year, and I have no idea what she's read and what she likes. So I had the idea to sew her a summer dress. She can wear it now as she's in Florida, and she can wear it in two weeks when it gets hot and humid in DC. (Just kidding.)
I chose a very simple design, and a beautiful fabric. Alan picked out the ribbon that I appliqued on the dress, and voila! The perfect summer dress. The nice thing and the bad thing all wrapped up in one: I learned a lot (zippers!) and I had to fudge a bit. But it turned out like it was intended, and I think it's a nice enough present.
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