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April 09, 2011


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Mo Bradley

There are online printer ink retailers that deliver to your doorsteps. I must admit HP printer models are fine with me though I am happy with the Canon printer I have and the accessibility of cheap generic ink is a bonus.


I know, Mo - but we live in Eastern Europe, you know. It's not as easy as that.


Good to know I'm not the only victim, though I have a 3rd reason not to buy HP- customer service. As stated above, even HP dealers don't know the regionalization issue, so I've been assured ink would work even though it's a different number. And been out $100 or more when they don't. One guy just said they don't deal with products outside their store. So much for being an international corporation!! Only after it happened twice, moving from Kuwait to Kosovo to Ethioia, did I finally research wtf was going on. After a dozen calls (from Ethiopia) and on line searching, I finally got: "go to an HP dealer to change the ink codes." Good luck with that in Addis. I looked on line- they MUST be able to ship the proper ink, right?? But got nowhere so if Mo Bradley can share that retailer address, that would be great...


The more I read about this the more annoyed I get, since I will have to buy another printer as soon as my ink runs out, since I'm tired of running around trying to reconfigure... are there any other "victims" to start a campaign against this, a boycott? I like this printer but I'm NEVER buying another HP product again...

Dana Flavin

I bought an HP printer and just wanted to buy new cartriges but the stupid website only gives states in the USA and I amin Munich Germany. I thought it was the best printer as it faxed, and scanned etc. oh well. Need to use my back up printer too as it is a laser and they don't need any ink. Groan from Germany......Dana


I bought a new hp printer on ebay...and guess what it didn't have the set up cartridges, now i didn't know anything about how setup cartridges are necessary for initialising the printer.. to cut things short i bought a new hp printer but there is absolutely no way of getting it to work-riddiculous! NEVER BUYING HP AGAIN!




Canon also regionalise print cartridges. I moved from Asia to the UK, and guess what - I've now been told to buy cartridges from Asia - or buy a new printer.

Slightly amusingly Canon also say "This product may not be used in countries or regions other than the country or region where it was purchased due to local laws and regulations. Please note that the use if this product in such countries or regions may lead to penalties and that Canon should not be held liable for such punishment."

I am now waiting for my punishment.

Canon #Fail


Steve, that's frustrating information! It's so infuriating when those companies copy the customer-unfriendliest ideas from each other. Grrr!

(Let me know what your punishment will be. That should be interesting! ;-))


i think you are right and thanks for it really HP is not a good product specially with printer and Ink issue

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