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November 05, 2012


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If you would forward the lists to me, I can send presents back with Doug. If he ends up elsewhere first, then I will send them direct.

Also, Leah might not have much 6 year-old girls clothes from Allison. A childhood friend of mine lost pretty much everything including her house in the hurricane. If she wants girls clothes, I'm sending them to her. :-(


Don't send anything with Doug - he only has one suitcase and he had maybe three kilos in weight left. Don't send anything direct, either. The customs has really been cracking down on imported wares and they are not very lenient. We'd have to drive to Schweinfurt to pick it up and pay 20% import tax - they check the prices on the Internet, so no futzing possible.

I told the boys about your friend. They ask you to send their presents (or the equivalent) to your friend's kid(s) instead. She will really need it - toys, and some pots and pans. David wants to know whether they might need a donation.


They are okay -- getting lots of donations from friends and family and staying with her mom in north Jersey while they figure out what they are going to do about their house. I'm not sure that she she wants Allison's clothes.

I do plan to send about $100 of kids books and other stuff. I remember how distraught my cousin's kids were when their house burned down.

What Lara most wants are copies of all of the photos she lost. :-( I can actually oblige with some. We went to sleepover camp together for 4 years and I'll be searching out and scanning what pictures I can find.

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Chronic non-specific diarrhea in Toddlers

  • Pediatrics in Review
    If you have access to medical papers, this is the one you have to read. This is the one that made me go "OH!". It's short and sweet, but protected.
  • Chronic nonspecific diarrhea
    This short piece contains some good suggestions about dietary management of chronic non-specific diarrhea.
  • Toddler's diarrhea
    Another short overview.
  • Toddler Diarrhea - Symptoms
    A good brief overview over what Toddler Diarrhea is and what not. A very good starting point.

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