Our summers tend to slink past. Not that I don't love lazy summer days but in our house, it's good to have a few goals in mind. You know, for those "I'm bored" and endless-rainy days. Because those happen a lot in German summers.
So I signed us up for the Summer Bucket List Challenge. It's nothing fancy - it just encourages you to write up a list of things to do. There are lots of good ideas to draw from, so we sat down and here's what we got so far.
Our bucket list is heavily skewed because the kids and I are going to accompany Doug who is working on a five-week project in Ramallah. So, in no particular order, our summer bucket list:
- Visiting the Biblical Zoo
- Sleeping over at Opa's cabin in the woods
- Floating in the Dead Sea
- Painting stones like bugs
- Summer sledding on the Wasserkuppe
- Climbing the Masada and watching the sunrise (no sunrise)
- Making oobleck
- Creating a map of Fladungen
- Finishing the quilt I've been working on
- Visiting the Youth Wing in the Israel Museum
- Walking around the Old City in Jerusalem
- Hiking along the Jordan River
- Spending a day in Bethlehem
- Watching the fish and coral in the Read Sea Underwater Observatory in Eilat {Cancelled}
- Walking around Petra {Cancelled}
- Goofing off on the beach in Tel Aviv {Cancelled}
- Making a lemonade stand
- Backyard campout
- Making giant bubble wands for super-bubbles
- Making popsicles, a lot
- Making jam out of backyard berries
- Going to the Children's museum in Fulda
- Sidewalk chalk painting
- Eating lots of Middle Eastern food
- Bringing home good olive oil
- Making a scrapbook about our Israel trip
- Spending entire days at the local pool
- Teaching Jacob and Leah how to swim
- Taking long walks after dinner
- Doing lots of crafts
- Helping Oma host a family reunion
- Tickling my nephews until they scream, "Stop!"
- Photographing my new niece
- Painting the walls in the boys' room
- Reading
- Playing tetherball
- Building a seating area in the backyard
- Making a plan for the rest of the year
- Learning to skip stones
- Making a giant puzzle that takes weeks to complete (b/c now we have a space where we can leave it)
(Anything that is completely is striked through.)
So, that's how much we've got so far. We're very excited about our upcoming trip - we're leaving in less than a week! When we come back, we will have to face some tough decisions about the future, so we decided to have lots of fun and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy this trip.
Which, incidentally, should make this blog more interesting, as well.
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